How to Stake NEAR?

All you need to do is:

  1. Connect your wallet

  2. Type in the amount of $NEAR you want to stake

  3. Click the "Stake" button and approve the transaction in your wallet

That's It!

Connect your wallet On the LiNEAR Protocol app, you will see the “Connect wallet” button at the top-right corner. LiNEAR Protocol now supports the NEAR web wallet.

When you login LiNEAR Protocol, you will be asked to approve the authorization. Click on “Connect” to sign in LiNEAR Protocol successfully. After login, you'll be able to see your $NEAR balance in the LiNEAR Protocol stake form.

After a successful connection, Linear Protocol will automatically detect the amount of $NEAR you have in your wallet.

Decide the amount of NEAR to stake

Now let's start staking your NEAR tokens. First, just by typing in the amount of $NEAR you want to stake in the "Stake Your NEAR" section.

Click the "Stake" button, and you're all set

Now, just click the Stake button to stake your NEAR tokens. You'll be redirected to your wallet to confirm the transaction.

Upon approval of the transaction, you have now successfully staked your NEAR tokens and have received $LiNEAR in return.

$LiNEAR represents your staked NEAR tokens, whose value will increase every epoch by including the staking rewards from validators selected by LiNEAR Protocol.

Last updated